Commercial Register Ordinance
In connection with the fact that, when establishing, changing, or closing a business, those concerned fail to report to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Dutch Windward Islands the COCI Board wishes to give you notice of the following points according to the Commercial Register Ordinance:
Art. 1. par. 3:
“Every business must be registered in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the territory where it has been set up, or in the register kept by the administrative council concerned”.
Art. 2 par. 1:
“In this Federal Ordinance, a “Business” is understood to be an enterprise in which any form of trade is conducted. Company partnerships and limited partnerships, like limited liability companies and co-operative societies, are considered to run businesses in the sense given in the Federal Ordinance”.
Art. 4 par. 1:
“Every business must be registered within one week of its establishment. The date of the establishment must be given when registering. A business is considered to be established when it is open to the public or traded business purposes.
Art. 14 par. 4:
“When a business changes owner, the entry concerned in the commercial register is removed, and the business must be registered again under the name of the new owner”.
Art. 19 par. 3:
Those who do not meet their legal obligation by registering in the Commercial Register will be fined a sum of at most One Thousand Guilders (Nafls. 1000.—).